They say that God does not exist

When some scientist proclaims that GOD doesn’t exist you can be sure that such person is not only extremely ignorant but incredibly arrogant too. No one in this world not even SCIENCE can DISPROVE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. It is impossible because they cannot ever find an evidence for its NONEXISTENCE unless they will violently force you to believe their lie. These people are fighting the STRAW MAN in which another crazy group of fanatics believe in – They think God is a human. These two kinds of people are exactly the same. One is able to kill in the name of disproved straw man and another kills in the name of the straw man which they have never seen in a person. But God is beyond human understanding. Its beyond mind. Its everything we see around and it has its own Universal laws and if you do not want to understand and research how these laws within Universe work than you are lost forever.

In my own limited human understanding we cannot personally meet God, we can only live in him and understand him through our existence and through everything that exists connected to us. I believe that darkness and light are part of God however that darkness exists only in order to make us distinguish right from wrong. But even this description is very limited. However all I know from my own experience is that we get closer to God when wherever we are there is BEAUTY, LOVE, AND LIGHT. Actually these things are all one. a8221643cef3b03b3e282817ca67369cImage source here

They say that God does not exist


Essential WWLOL
This handsome new volume is aimed at assisting readers of all ages and from all parts of the world to learn more about the universal truths of life that transcend modern times or particular cultures in the hope that it may help them to make their lives not only more joyous but also more useful. The laws that were chosen for this book are both important and possible to apply in anyone’s life. Each law is presented in an essay format, with applications, opinions, stories, examples, and quotations offered to emphasize the validity of the law. Each quotation that serves as the title of an essay points to a particular law that holds true for most people under most circumstances.

Source here


The Circular Economy

The linear ‘take, make, dispose’ model relies on large quantities of easily accessible resources and energy, and as such is increasingly unfit for the reality in which it operates. Working towards efficiency—a reduction of resources and fossil energy consumed per unit of manufacturing output—will not alter the finite nature of their stocks but can only delay the inevitable. A change of the entire operating system seems necessary.

The circular economy principle

A circular economy is one that is restorative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value, at all times.

1 – Circular economy is a global economic model that decouples economic growth and development from the consumption of finite resources;

2 – Distinguishes between and separates technical and biological materials, keeping them at their highest value at all times.

3 – Focuses on effective design and use of materials to optimise their flow and maintain or increase technical and natural resource stocks;

4 – Provides new opportunities for innovation across fields such as product design, service and business models, food, farming, biological feedstocks and products;

5 – Establishes a framework and building blocks for a resilient system able to work in the longer term. Please continue here

The Circular Economy

Scientists are searching for the missing link between consciousness and matter

Scientists are searching for the missing link between consciousness and matter, without realizing that there is no real missing link or links. It is there. The only missing link is in their minds. Something in them is not yet fused. There is matter in their mind, but not spirit. There is mine, but not yours. There is ours, and not ALL. This is the only missing link.
(Consciousness vol.1, p.236)

Torkom Saraydarian

Scientists are searching for the missing link between consciousness and matter